Despite taking adequate care of your teeth and adhering to an oral routine, you may end up with tooth decay or infection. If the infection has reached the inside of the tooth, called the pulp, there are only two choices – an extraction or root canal therapy. If your dentist in Springfield, VA, believes that there is some room to save your tooth, they will suggest the latter. People often have weird misconceptions about root canal therapy, and in this post, we are discussing key aspects that matter.
When do you need root canal therapy?
If the pulp and nerves inside an infected tooth are affected, your dentist may recommend root canal therapy. In simple words, the procedure kills the tooth from the inside by removing the pulp, decay, and tissues. In case you choose to ignore the pain and evident signs of decay, an extraction may become necessary to prevent the infection from spreading.
What are the signs that you need root canal therapy?
Many patients have no symptoms of tooth decay or injury, but their dentists may find the signs of infection during a routine exam and subsequent x-rays. On the contrary, if you already have a deep cavity and the inside of the impacted tooth is infected, you may experience severe toothache and sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Other symptoms also include swelling or an abscess on the gums.
How painful is root canal therapy?
Most patients don’t experience pain during root canal therapy as local anesthesia is used to numb the affected tooth and surrounding gums. However, as the effect of the anesthetic agent subsides with time, you may feel some pain, which can be managed with over-the-counter medications. Your dentist may ask you to take oral antibiotics to accelerate healing.
How many appointments do I need to go for?
Most patients need at least two to three appointments to complete root canal therapy. If the root canals are easy to reach and the tooth is not impacted, you can expect the procedure to be done within two appointments.
Do I need to get a dental crown?
Fixing a crown on a treated tooth is recommended after root canal therapy. As the tooth becomes hollow after the pulp is removed, it is more prone to breakage. You can enjoy better function and aesthetics once the crown is fixed to the tooth.
Call your dentist to learn about root canal therapy.