What Does Tartar Look Like On Your Teeth?

Plaque and tartar are formed on your teeth when you do not clean the food residue and bacteria off your teeth properly. This is why it is recommended to brush at least twice a day and floss before going to bed. Dental plaque is the first warning sign of tartar. When dental plaque is not cleaned and removed on time, it develops into tartar. 

As you may have guessed, tartar is a progressed version of plaque that can damage your teeth. It is important to know what tartar looks like and which problems it can cause. Book an appointment with a dentist in Orange Park, FL, today to remove tartar and get a deep cleaning on your teeth. 

Recognizing tartar build-up 

It is not possible to see the plaque, and thus, impossible to tell when it is converting into tartar through your naked eye. Tartar is darker than plaque. It often appears yellow but can be colorless and hard to spot. 

One of the ways to recognize tartar is by feeling it with your tongue on your teeth surface. It has a rough and scratchy texture. Your tooth will not feel as smooth as it normally should. 

What are the signs of tartar build-up?

Here are the signs of tartar build-up: 

  • Rough patches on your tooth. 
  • Filled gaps and spaces between your teeth.
  • Swollen and red gums.
  • Feels hard on the tongue.
  • Gums become more sensitive. 
  • Foul odor coming from your mouth. 

What causes dental plaque?

Tartar is caused by plaque. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes dental plaque to be able to prevent it. Food residue in your mouth due to poor oral hygiene pairs up with saliva, leading to bacterial growth. The bacteria accumulate around the teeth and gums and cause plaque development. Eating sweet and sugary food items and beverages is the primary reason for dental plaque. 

How to remove tartar from your teeth?

The best way to keep plaque and tartar away is by brushing, flossing, cleaning your tongue, and using mouthwash. Additionally, it is important to steer clear of foods and drinks that add to bacterial growth. Remove sugar and carbohydrates from your diet and add calcium-rich items to strengthen your enamel. 

Note that only plaque can be removed at home by following the steps mentioned above. If tartar has already developed, you may have to book a dental appointment for deep cleaning. Your dentist or hygienist will use sharp equipment to remove stubborn tartar deposits.