5 Benefits Of Seeing A Bone And Joint Specialist

When you’re experiencing pain and discomfort, it’s important to see a specialist as soon as possible. This can help you diagnose your problem quicker, save you from suffering, restore your range of motion, and prevent further damage to your bones and joints.

Bone and joint specialists specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries and conditions affecting your bones, joints, and muscles. They may recommend nonsurgical or surgical treatments depending on your condition and the severity of your symptoms.

1. Better Diagnosis

If you have any bone-related injuries, it’s important to see a doctor right away. The sooner you see a specialist, the more likely it is that you’ll get the best treatment possible for your condition.

Whether you need care for a broken bone, or joint pain from arthritis or osteoarthritis, you want to make sure the problem is correctly diagnosed and treated. Your doctor will use an array of diagnostic tests to identify the cause of your symptoms.

Earlier diagnosis and treatment will help you avoid unnecessary surgery or more serious conditions. And, it will also keep you from suffering more from your injury.

2. Better Treatment

The benefits of seeing a bone and joint specialist are many, from diagnosing the correct condition to providing the best treatment. Whether you have a simple broken bone or more complex medical conditions, your orthopedic doctor will be able to help you get back on your feet and back to enjoying life.

There are a few telltale signs that you need to see your orthopedic doctor, including pain that won’t go away in a timely manner and an injury that won’t heal on its own. Regardless of your age or gender, it’s important to make an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible. This will improve your chances for success and a quicker recovery. The key is to find the right expert, whether it’s an orthopedist or a rheumatologist.

3. Better Long-Term Results

If you have chronic pain that keeps you from performing your daily activities or is impacting your overall quality of life, it’s time to see a bone and joint specialist. A specialist with specialized training and experience will get to the root of your pain and create a treatment plan that will address your problem in the most effective way possible.

In many cases, joint problems, including osteoarthritis, can be treated with medications that will provide long-term relief and improve your ability to perform your daily activities. Getting this treatment early will delay further degradation of your joints and improve your chances for a normal, happy life.

4. Better Care

If you have a joint injury or chronic condition affecting your bones, joints, muscles or ligaments, it is important to see an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible. This is especially true if the pain persists, it is limiting your mobility or it causes a significant impact on your quality of life.

A bone x-ray is the fastest and easiest way for your physician to view and evaluate injuries to bones, including fractures and joint abnormalities such as arthritis. X-rays can be taken at a variety of locations, such as your doctor’s office, emergency room or urgent care center.

The key benefit to seeing a bone and joint specialist is that they have more training and expertise than a primary care provider. This translates to better diagnosis and treatment options for you.

5. Better Access

If you suffer from chronic pain, have a limited range of motion, or are having trouble walking or standing, see a bone and joint specialist right away. They can help identify the cause of your pain and treat it early, preventing further damage to your joints.

A doctor can use X-rays to identify bone injuries, including fractures. These tests can also reveal signs of arthritis or other bone problems.

Bone specialists can also perform a CT scan, which uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed, three-dimensional pictures of your bones and soft tissues. The test also helps doctors diagnose osteomyelitis, a serious form of infection in the bone or joint.

A doctor can also detect bone or joint infections by ordering blood tests and a physical exam. They may also insert a needle into your joint to remove a sample of synovial fluid.